We live in truly amazing times . . .
I once said:
I hate Cell Phones . . .
I find them to be the most annoying thing in the world.
Perhaps if I had one myself I wouldn't be saying this . . .
Perhaps not.
I see their use,
I know their benefits
Yet I find them to be maddening.
I don't need one, I'm sorry, but I'm not that busy .
Today, with out a cell, a person is a nonexistence.
People ask me for my Mobile number . . .
"I don't have one," I reply, "would you like my home number?"
"Oh," they reply -as if it's beneath their dignity to speak to one of us pre-mobile people . . . "No, that's quiet all right."
Next time I think I tell them that I can be reached by smoke signal -perhaps that will knock the Blue Tooth out of them
Yes, We truly live in miraculous times . . . For I am, in all likelihood, the last person the last person in the world to get a cellphone
I mean even he has one . . .

(COL, in its neurotic Israeli style, has collected 7 pages worth of such pictures -only further proving my point that 1. I am the last person in the world to get a cell phone 2. Israelis get way to excited over trivial things)
But I digress . . . being the last person in the world to get a cell phone, I would like to tell you, the 6 billion people who got one before me, that I would like to thank you.
Yes . . .
I wish to thank you for all those times that you let me use your phone for 'only a minute' even though you only had three minutes left on your plan only three days into the new month . . .
For letting me play games on your phone, even though the battery was low . . .
For waiting countless hours for me because I, unlike the rest of the group, did not have a cell phone and therefor could not tell you where I was and when I would be returning to the meeting place . . .
For not laughing at me when you found out that I didn't know what such fancy things as 'Nationwide coverage', 'roaming', 'SMS', Bluetooth, and T-mobile were . . .
For not using those little built in cameras to take stupid pictures of me sleeping, and when you did take those pictures, thank you for not sending them to everyone else in the room, and when you did send them around the room, that you for not posting them on COL . . .
As I now leave the world of the Edsel, the 8 track, the Dodo, and the floppy disk and move into the 21 century, I wish to let those one or two people still living with out the Mobile Phone -perhaps somewhere in Poland or Ulanbatar- know that there is indeed hope.
For the rest of you: Call me some time.
Three Two Three Eight Seven Seven Three Eight Six Six
Technorati Tags: Cell Phones, COL, Life, Humor
I am but just a little bit insulted because i dont live in Poland or Ulan-whatever - and I still dont have a cell phone.
well...i guess montreal isnt so far from being a 3rd world..city (intellectually/logically wise)...
but still....
I can relate with the cell phone
message. But lately I have found them to be very useful.My grandson Josh who is very savvy with such technology and what teenager is not these days; well Josh gave me so much advice and helped me with the features that now I am even turning on the alarm from my cell to get my husband up in the mornings.
Staying up with the times.
Best regards.
Nice to meet you . . .
I too now enjoy my phone. May I ask, by chance, how you found my Blog?
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