Getting ready to go . . .
Upon arriving in New York, I settled down in the house of Schneur Wilhelm (who spent time in Poland with Chezky Wolf) and began my week long stay in New York (A Thanks to the Wilhelm family for their courteous hosting)
The next night was the L'chaim of my friend, and former classmate -Sholom Shomer.
Virtually my entire class from LA showed . . .
If you know them then you'll understand.
Charlie Buttons -but with only one button! All dressed up for some reason . . .
The next day it was off to the Ohel . . .
I've been to the Ohel many times, and normally my feelings can best be described as "I feel bad because I don't feel bad." Not always, there are times that are serious and meaningful . . .
This was one of those times.
Here I was, standing in front of the Rebbe, having come back from his shlichus, and what did I have to say for myself? The past three months were spent complaining about Warsaw . . . that I'm not in a Yeshivah . . . that the system messed me over . . . that our "Head Shliach" is not only missing the 'Shliach' part of his title, but may even be missing the 'head' . . . All true . . . but . . .
What do I have to say? How are these excuses for not learning?
It's time for some serious thinking over . . .
S'farbrengt Zich
Tzfatim -I don't even want to know what they'll do next
The Kinus was nice . . . Rabbi Schapiro -who is the Mashpia- spoke . . .
In 770 . . .
"We need to make a Krisus Bris -a covenant- with G-d . . .
We need to connect ourselves beyond feelings.
-If our divine service is based on feelings, on thoughts or reason, then it is prone to fade, to change.
If we connect ourselves, then even when I'm feelings bad, another bochur wasn't nice to me etc. etc. we do what we have to do!"
There's no day like a snow-day . . .
27 inches of snow (or atleast that's how much "Tell Me" is reporting) are nothing for the Montrealer in me . . . but for the California Boy inside- wow that's a lot of cold white stuff.
Baruch Hashem, my flight wasn't pushed off and now I'm back in Poland . . .
1 week ago
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