First off an Interesting link
And even more important -we sent pictures to COL with an article:
77 years after the Rebbe's Wedding was held in Warsaw in the year 5689, the central Chabad house in the city directed by the shliach, Sholom Ber Stambler is arranging a special event with the help of the shluchim-students and local friends of Chabad. After many efforts the exact spot of the Tomchei Temimim yeshiva, where the Chuppa of the Rebbe was held, was located, and the hall of the local library, where the wedding meal was held was also determined despite the fact that the city was literally razed at the time of the holocaust.
On Thursday, the 14th of Kislev, the wedding day of the Rebbe, the students-shluchim are planning to visit these two spots and will attempt to relive and derive inspiration from both of the stirring events held years ago on this special day.
click here for the pictures and the full article in Hebrew.
In with the new and out with the old:
The Mikvah lady was fired -they think she stole . . . but at the same time (besides the fact that we got a new cleaning lady) we also got a new Mashpia/Rosh Yeshiva/ whatever . . . the one and only Hatamimim (Hachosin) Chezky Wolff!!!

Chatz'e Wolff
I must give it to him though . . . this place has gotten somewhat better.
This past friday I got my first Tefillin on mivtzoyem (Friday Mivtzoyem that is) Mr. Ya'akov Wietzner . . . . one of the lead actors for the Yiddish Theater here in warsaw.

He wanted to know why I spoke Litvish (with a Chailom)
This past Shabbos was Sholom Ber Stambler's B-day . . . I asked him if he was going to say a Ma'amer (chassidic discorse) and guess what he said . . . . That's right, the catch phrase of Warsaw "Next Week"
Sholom Ber's Farbi

S'farbringt zich

As Reported on COL I went to the site of the Rebbe's chuppa/old Yeshiva
the former sight of the Yeshiva

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