Note 9-22-09: I've added to this post
Over Yom Tov here in Colorado Springs the topic of bread by tashlich came up.
The 'rabbis' at Wikipedia even seem to think that it's an integral portion of the service.
It seems very much to be a reform custom . . . I haven't seen a source for it - if anything feeding the fish on Yom Tov should be problematic!
I've done some long needed upkeep on the blog . . . Including streamlining the sidebar (I've ditched some dated clutter - such as my "Follow me on Technorati [Does anyone even still use them?] button" from my blog), and implemented the Disqus system in the comments.
As well, I've added a list of books from Amazon Associates on the sidebar. Though I'd love to make some money off this blog - so please buy the books there - the main reason I've included them is to serve as a point of discussion on the blog. All the books have either been reviewed here (under the title What I Read Sometimes) or will be, G-d willing, in the future.
As a finale note: For those of you who are on Twitter and don't yet follow @Lubavitch - please do and get us up to 770 followers in honor of 5770.
As well become a fan of on Facebook!
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