I'm not sure how clear this one is . . . so I'll make it worth 20 points.
Technorati Tags: Riddle

For the worker by night
and the lazy by day.
At youth I am avoided,
but accepted with age.
The last time I come,
I am never done.
Technorati Tags: Riddle
sleep. duh.
Oh, e beat me to the answer.
Dang yeah duh e. is right.
One of the benefits of being Mottel's roommate is getting the first shot at the 20 points. haha! I'm rich! 20 points! yippee!
Do you make these up yourself?
Sleep. (and I say that before I clicked on comments)
because what?
-E: You get the points, but a -4 points for your bad attitude.
-Leora: 10 points
-Le7: 5 points
-TRS: Yes I do . . . as of now, though I may bring in some classic ones soon.
-C: 5 points
-E: B/C he wants to be heard . . . and he just doesn't understand riddles and such.
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