The letters of our thoughts are the ideas present in our mind before they come to realization . . . Thoughts that are, yet not felt . . . The words of the subconscious . . . of the soul . . .


Monday, December 31, 2007

. . . and We're Back

I think the inspiration for writing comes from writing itself. The more I write, the more I'll have wh
at to say.

Or perhaps, in a slightly different vein, when I look to blog, then anything fits for a post -Philosophy, the Human struggle, Exotic places, coffee, slugs, socks . . . whatever. It all works. But when I don't look to blog. Nothing comes to mind.

In other words, the world is a truly interesting place, we just have to know what too look for.

Which is why I'm writing this post . . . Because I want to have something to write about.

I mulled over various ideas -perhaps something on coffee . . . I always used instant. Until this summer that is. The Espresso machine in Rimini kicked up my caffeine level a notch. Now only real, freshly ground coffee works.
(Of note the most expensive coffee out there, Kopi Luwak, goes from 120 to 600 dollars a pound, and is prepared in a very . . . unique manner).
Unfortunately, here in Crown Heights it's a little tough to get a decent cup o' Joe . . . The coffee in 770 -Made of four parts milk, three sugar, and one coffee type brown mystery liquid, leaves something to be desired.

But frankly, I don't know how interesting any of this is to read to actually write it. One friend of mine has told me on numerous occasions that he would read my blog, except that he doesn't like reading blogger blogs, which he explains to mean Blogs about peoples lives.

In other news, my story 'Ballad of the Living Jew' was published in this past week's Algemeiner Journal -see it at the news stands.

That, and an exciting trip is G-d willing, coming up . . . details to follow.

What ever.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Calling All Montreal Alumni

Composition VII -Kandinsky

Note: Real content to come soon . . .

My Alma Mater, YTTl -Montreal is putting together a list of Alumni. If you attended the grand halls of Montreal or know the names of those who have, please e-mail the year(s) that you learned there, and any contact information for yourself to chaim @ rabbinicalcollege . ca

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Impression, Sunrise

Impression: soleil levant

It's been a week since my last post . . .

I've sat down on several occasions to write, but for whatever reason, nothing has come out of it.

I could always post new pictures, but I don't feel that that's where it's at for my blog -I want to write, but have nothing to say.

Since my last post, I have been to LA, then returned to Crown Heights.
And next . . .

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Slicha. How You Say Chanukah in English?

As I leave Colorado, I've prepared a collection of photos from the various Israelis we visited in malls around Southern Colorado.
Click on the link for more . . .

The sufganiyot made their day . . .

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Friday, December 14, 2007

From the Salida News:

Taken from today's The Mountain Mail

Chabad wishes you a Happy Chanukah

Three New York City Chabad Lubavitch rabbis stopped in Salida Tuesday morning on their way to celebrate Chanukah in Telluride, a town without a synagogue. Wednesday was the last day of Chanukah, the eight-day festival of light. Motti Hadar, originally from South Africa, holds a menorah as he stands with Moshe Loebenstein of Australia and Mordechai Lightstone, of Los Angeles, Calif. They left in snowy weather in their car with a Menorah on top bearing the message, “Chabad wishes you a Happy Chanukah.” Photo by Jonathan Schwab

Have a good Shabbos!

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My Chassidic Colorado Chanukah Adventure

Rabbis on Ice (and they're moving fast!)

Today we came back from our final Chanukah Party in Telluride. I know the panoramic banner that starts this post looks very similar to the previous one . . . But trust me that this post is very different.
Click on the link and enjoy!

We left early Tuesday morning from the Rabbi's house in Colorado Springs for the skiing resort of Telluride.

The icy Arkansas river.

It was snowing when we left, making us slightly apprehensive about the trip, but thank G-d the roads were clear.

Big Horn sheep on the side of the road.

We stopped by Salida where we met up with a friend from the last trip.

Putting on Tefillin.

After crossing the Monarch pass and reaching Gunnison County, the roads were cleared entirely, helping us make good time to Telluride.

Entering the Box Canyon of Telluride . . . From here on pictures don't do justice to the beauty.

A shot of the Menorah during our Chanukah party.

Thank G-d the party went well, with well over a dozen people attending.

The last morning of Chanukah -clear skies all the way

A little skiing always makes photography more interesting . . .

As a child I spent a winter in Duluth, Minnesota, where I convinced my mother that the entire family needed to go Alpine skiing, not cross country as she had wanted. After a few lessons I felt like a pro (at least as professional as a nine year old can get) . . .
That feeling remained with me until after I crashed into a pile of snow within ten seconds of strapping on my skis.
Why a person spends large sums of money to go flying down a hill with little control on two waxed wooden planks, only to repeatedly fall in the snow is beyond me . . .
But I'm sure glad I did it.

Mountain Village, the ski resort town connected to Telluride via Gondola (and the place we actually stayed) is constantly being developed . . .

Sunrise as we left

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Monday, December 10, 2007

A Winter Return to Paradise

A view of Pike's Peak over the clouds.

Click on the link to see photos of Colorado Springs and Garden of the gods.

After a Shabbos in the snow, we awoke on Sunday to clear blue skies and crisp winter air.

After a day spent at a Chanukah party in Pueblo (G-d willing more on that next time) we decided to stop of in the Garden on our way back home.
Though the lighting wasn't the most favorable, as it was getting dark, the pictures still came out nicely.
(For pictures of my first trip this past Tishrei see here)

garden of hashem
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