The letters of our thoughts are the ideas present in our mind before they come to realization . . . Thoughts that are, yet not felt . . . The words of the subconscious . . . of the soul . . .


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rabbi E. Yoffie - Have You Anything New To Say?

Taken by the Warsaw Heroes of the Ghetto monument.
A Note on this Picture: I was recently able to recover all of my missing photos from my first to months in the land of the
Warrior Saws (For those who do not know, after Chanukah of that year, my laptop crashed and then the first few months of this blog were deleted) I hope to post these (almost) never before seen set of photos in the weekly Picture of the Week series.

Over the summer Rabbi Eric Yoffie, the president of the Union for Reform Judaism offered a letter on the Jerusalem Post blog in praise of Chabad. Though overwhelmingly positive, he gave two points of criticism.
Fair Enough.
For those who haven't seen it yet, it can be read here.
Today, it seems, that in light of the praise he has given to Chabad, Yoffie must now balance the scales with a measure of criticism -hence an article in the Reform Judaism Magazine (Self titled as the 'world's largest circulated Jewish Magazine') 'The Good and Bad of Chabad'
Ironically, this article - a verbatim quote of his previous article - does not speak of the Good of Chabad, but merely the bad.
I'm not sure what is odder -to call an article on someone's flaws 'the Good and Bad', or when actually writing the bad, to merely rehash the same tired arguments?
I quote Rabbi Yoffie . . . as he quotes himself:
Unfortunately, other Chabad practices are less admirable. Here are two examples.

In Russia, Chabad leaders have established an alliance with the increasingly autocratic President Vladimir Putin. Such alliances have their purposes, but not when they are used to deny recognition and funding to other Jewish groups. Looking back at the history of eastern European Jewry, we all view with distaste those chapters that involve Jewish groups drawing close to ruling despots so that they can work against other Jews with whom they disagree. We do not need a modern version of that history in the Russian Federation today.

In North America, the issues are very different. Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox synagogues routinely require families that want their child to have a bar/bat mitzvah to meet certain requirements—the son or daughter must attend religious school for a year or more, and the parents must commit themselves to study and congregational worship. The reason is clear: absent Torah learning and familial involvement, the bar mitzvah will be without meaning, an excuse for a party. Chabad centers, however, generally provide a bar mitzah service with few, if any, requirements. Chabad says that no child should be denied a bar mitzvah, and the family—which is usually unaffiliated—may be drawn later into Jewish life. Perhaps. More likely, the lesson is that Judaism is not a serious endeavor and that even the most significant milestones require only a modicum of commitment.

Surely no family should ever be denied membership in a synagogue because of inability to pay. But we should protest when Chabad, or anyone else, becomes a purveyor of Jewish minimalism, lowering educational standards for our children and community.

Chabad's alliance with Putin may not find favor in the eyes of the URJ, but I do not think their worries are as altruistic as they. In truth it is their desire to mold their own empire in the FSU; pulling upon historical symbolism is only to hide their own latent jingoistic ideals . . . One need only look at the actions of the Federations and the Joint to see where Reform pluralism truly lies (Though the Joint and UJC (federations) are not actual branches of the official reform movement, their beliefs -both religious and political -are one).
In Russia the Joint will not help Chabad humanitarian projects out of enmity for Chabad's strength in other matters . . . In other places around Eastern Europe, the coals have been flamed into a fire -one need only look to the perverse bedfellows of the Joint and others that made trouble in Vilna and Prague.

Even more ironic, though, is the accusation that Chabad is 'a purveyor of Jewish minimalism, [that] lower[s] educational standards of our children and community.'

Is not the act of the Reform to minimize? For an organization that recommends sacrificing the limb to save the body, but has in effect severed the head, heart and lungs of our holy Torah, to claim that we lower educational standards is both pretentious and, if I dare say, pathetic.
Who has disavowed the divinity and sanctity of the Torah? Who has allowed mixed marriages performed with clergy members of an opposite religion in churches? Who removed Hebrew as the language of the Judaism -only to reinstate it once the winds of popularity moved from local nationalism to secular Zionism? Who educates Jewish children in an atmosphere devoid of meaning -a Judaism exorcised of its soul?
Rabbi Yoffie -the list goes on.

(Hat Tip:

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Basement Life

I've always been subject to a certain give an take over to what extent I should write about myself in my blog . . .

Places that I go, and things that I think are great subjects -but who exactly wants to hear about me?

Then I realized, it's my blog and I can darn well write whatever I do.

So for those of you who wonder about Mottel -the person- I present my schedule:
  • 7:05 a.m. My Alarm goes off
  • 7:15 Actually get up.
  • 7:30 Drink my cup of coffee
  • Approx. 7:40 Samech Vov -Hachodesh/ Shiurim from R' Yoel
  • 9:00 prepare for Davening
  • 9:30 Minyan in the small zal
  • 11:15 Gemara Bava Basra L'iyuna
  • 1:15 p.m. " L'girsa
  • 2:15 Lunch
  • 3:30ish Dayanus -Hilchos Dayanim
  • 6:30 Ma'ariv and Dinner
  • 8:00 Chassidus -Kuntreisim beis
  • 9:30 Likutei Sichos -Lamed Hei
  • After Seder - L'chaim's (so far at least two friends a week), Rambam, Clarinet . . .
  • Before 12:00 Official bedtime
  • Around 1:00ish Fall asleep . . . Here we go again.
So I wrote about myself. I feel darn selfish . . . and proud.

But you know something? That's why I blog.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Return of Don't Read the Fine Print (In Bold)

I saw this sign, and found the concept of a basement with a garden view to be amusing . . . Though this isn't exactly fine print, it fits well enough with the rest of the series.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Brown Shoes

Taken in Sestokai, Lithuania -Pesach 5766

Before I left Los Angeles, I ordered a pair of shoes from (hat tip: Dansdeals).
With only a dozen or so minutes remaining until Shabbos, I sent the order off in a rush and, placing my towel over my shoulder, ran off to the mikva.

The next Wednesday, a few short hours before my flight to New York, my shoes arrived in the mail.

11.5 Men's Skechers Scanner - Examiner shoes.

Ripping open the box I noticed something had gone awry -they were brushed brown leather, not polished black.
Though I had the option to return the shoes, my older pair (Kennith Cole Unlisted -Rock Clubs) were in no shape for further use -not after a heavy beating during my summer in Italy (Note to self: Dress shoes are not made for biking, kickball, touring Rome, and running on the beach) and working in the winery, and I, with my impending flight, needed something for my feet.

Let us take a step back for the moment.

Clothes define a person . . . How we dress is how we present our un-molded essence to the world. Some people dress to stand out, others to conform. I fall into the later, but wish to believe that I am able to express myself within the confines of the world I choose (In truth, true expression can only be brought out via channeling it through limitation . . . but that's a topic for a different post -or blog).

Brown shoes are a statement. Don't ask me why -they don't seem, to me at least, as radical as gray hats, tweed jackets, or the revival of the Poulaine (those pointy Jester shoes -which is the direction that current men's shoes seem to be heading) - but brown shoes make a statement none the less . . . and I have no desire to make any statements.

I left the shoes in the box, figuring that before I left I would come upon a viable answer to my conundrum.

Time passed and the hour of departure drew nearer . . . the brown shoes remained in their box.

On the way towards the door, I glanced at the box once more. Torn between the frugality of time, and a Chassidic fashion sense, I went for the former (Every chossid is, after all, also a Jew). Donning my brown leather shoes, I picked up my bag and got into the car.

People in Crownheights have the odd habit of making a 'pss' sound in sign of mock impression. My shoes seemed to bring friendly pss's from all corners of 770 . . .

"Mordy how are you? Look who got brown shoes. Psss!"
"I ordered them by mistake."
"Right, you accidentally ordered the stylish ones -psss. Are you looking for a shotgun or something?"

I ignored the sounds and friendly chides . . . and you know something?

I now think that I happen to like my brown shoes.


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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bear With Me

I switched over to New (Beta) Blogger . . . Finally.
Please bear with me as I work out the page elements.
Comments and suggestions are more then welcome.
So far I've added a randomly changing banner each time the page is loaded


Friday, October 26, 2007

Picture of the Week -30

Taken in Lake Bled, Slovenia. Bled Castle looms over The Flying Dutch Jew's Head.

Have a great Shabbos!

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mostly Settled

Today marks my first complete week in Crown Heights, Brooklyn . . . My schedule hasn't slowed down yet (and G-d willing it won't for some time), so posting during the day is mostly out of it.
Now that I'm more settled in my flat (uhh . . . basement) I have more time at nights though -so G-d willing all the great posts I have be able to come up over the next few days.

For now, enjoy these pics from this past weeks Released Time hour for Jewish Public School kids.
Click on the link for more:

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Amcha Yidden

Photo by Roman Vishniac

The other day I saw an Amcha Yid walking down Fairfax Avenue. He was bent bespoke of an almost timeless sense of age; his hair shortly cropped and crowned with a large velvet yarmulke, his chin covered with a thin stubble . . . A Jew without guile or an agenda. He wasn't a Chossid or a Misnaged, a Zionist or a Reformist . . . He was Jewish.

Jews who are Jewish purely for the sake of being Jews are an indelible part of the past.

True there were the istn and ims - Bundistn, Tzionistn, and Yidishistn. Chasidim, Misnagdim, and Maskilim
 . . .
But the average Jew was just that.

Today, as a result of the war, of the modern need for instant categorization, or perhaps some other force on world Jewry,  we box ourselves in. How many of today's grouped Jews came from such groups three generations back?

-here's to the Amcha Yid.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Letters In Other Places

An article of mine was put up on
Check it out here.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mottel in Transition

I'm still around . . . Regular posting after the weekend.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Birthday Thought

Pohrebysche -the Ruzhiner's town of birth

'A bochur went past for dollars on his birthday - the third of Mar Cheshvan.
The Rebbe informed him that he most probably knew that it was the Ruzhiner's Yom Hilulah. The bochur began to leave, but the Rebbe called him back and said.

"Ober Zolt Zehn Bliebn a Luabvitcher!" -"But you should remain a Lubavitcher!" '

As told to me by R' Moshe Liberow of Colorado Springs.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Blogging Break

For my Birthday


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Other Wandering Jews


I found a PDF of אוצר מסעות (in Hebrew) today.
Compiled in 1926, it contains, amongst others, the travels of
(Names have been linked to the English Wikipedia articles concerning them)

Worth a look . . . Check it out HERE

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The Industry of Wine - A Photo Essay

I've posted many pictures of nature throughout my travels (There are 22 posts tagged as Nature), but after spending the previous week in a Madera, California winery . . . I feel I have picked up something very different, but equally interesting.

Click on the link to see more!

A view of the place from the top of a vat

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Perhaps it's the effect of the twelve hour shift, but this cloud formation looks unnervingly like a map of Europe

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