Photos marked * were taken by the Amazing Yankel ** by CYFried and *** by The Flying Dutch Jew
all others were taken by me.
After leaving Petersburg over three weeks ago (Have I been gone for so long?) I went to good old Vilnius for a Shabbos.
Leaving with the campers the day after Tisha B'Av, we flew to Frankfurt, with a stop off in Prague. Landing in the the airport, the assembled campers and counselors, now joined by two grandchildren of a lady who lives in Lithuania (more on them later) and L. (last year known as Harry Potter) who has since moved with his family to England, we set off with
Our bus driver, a Frenchman who spoken limited German and was not entirely familiar with the Bundesrepublik Deutschland's roads, was given directions by Americans who spoke a language similar to German (Yiddish) on a bus of children who spoke Russian, Lithuanian, English or German, but never more then two of the four languages . . . Yes another Summer in Camp had begun.
Click on the link to see part one of:
A Lithuanian Camp in the Alsace Lorraine
I have many nice photos of various trips and events in camp, but to keep things manageable I've decided to limit each post to no more then thirty or so . . .
Thus a tour of the town we were staying in, Phalsbourg, will be saved for later. For now it suffices to say that the town is a picturesque French town nestled in the hills of Lorraine. Our place of residence, a hostel known as the Centrez Europeen de Rencontres, was at the edge of the small town -and made an excellent base of operations.
Campers enjoying a light game of ball
Menachem drawing a Talles Koton
Our first day we made relay races . . .
Let the games begin
and a bean hunt culminating in a grand raffle . . .
'Harry Potter' went 'Emo' this year . .
The two 'German' brothers . . . "Fritz" and "Sigmund"
Lunch in camp
Yarmulke decorating a few days into camp:
The Grand Carnival . . .





and of course soccer . . .
Sigmund on the dangers of Soccer
I must admit, this post is not realy a post unto itself . . . I don't find much interest in going through the day to day of camp (though we all had a great time), and most of the pictures in this post aren't as interesting to those who weren't in the camp (though I hope a few of them were) -so if you feel somewhat dissapointed, consider this a warm up for part two of A Lithuanian camp in the Alsace Lorraine . . . Stay posted.
Technorati Tags: Camp, Gan Yisroel Lithuania, Travel, Germany, France, Phalsbourg, Photography, Chabad
The colors in that sky are absolutely vivid and brilliant! I love it!
Glad to have you back :)
Wow that was fast
I loved that shot as well -it's one of my favorite . . .
I've had trouble uploading a few videos for the post on Youtube, so I'm in the process of putting them up on Google video -so check back soon!
The kids look like they are having a marvelous time in camp. Yes, you are right, I am looking for pics of Lithuania, but nice to see happy kids, too!
Great sunset.
The camp was in France so there won't be any Lithuanian shots in this series of posts -but look back through my posts tagged Lithuania, Vina, Kovno etc. for many wonderful pictures!
The videos are great! If only I knew German ...
Well after Modern Hebrew . . .
In truth, I put the video up not so much for what he said (that a soccer player died suddenly while playing) but rather for how he spoke . . . his thick German accent was incredibly funny to the counselors.
The kids look like they had a wonderful time.
What!!!??? No puddles???.....
Ok i'll lay off. It was just too tempting.
amazing pictures.
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