I've always been subject to a certain give an take over to what extent I should write about myself in my blog . . .
Places that I go, and things that I think are great subjects -but who exactly wants to hear about me?
Then I realized, it's my blog and I can darn well write whatever I do.
So for those of you who wonder about Mottel -the person- I present my schedule:
Places that I go, and things that I think are great subjects -but who exactly wants to hear about me?
Then I realized, it's my blog and I can darn well write whatever I do.
So for those of you who wonder about Mottel -the person- I present my schedule:
- 7:05 a.m. My Alarm goes off
- 7:15 Actually get up.
- 7:30 Drink my cup of coffee
- Approx. 7:40 Samech Vov -Hachodesh/ Shiurim from R' Yoel
- 9:00 prepare for Davening
- 9:30 Minyan in the small zal
- 11:15 Gemara Bava Basra L'iyuna
- 1:15 p.m. " L'girsa
- 2:15 Lunch
- 3:30ish Dayanus -Hilchos Dayanim
- 6:30 Ma'ariv and Dinner
- 8:00 Chassidus -Kuntreisim beis
- 9:30 Likutei Sichos -Lamed Hei
- After Seder - L'chaim's (so far at least two friends a week), Rambam, Clarinet . . .
- Before 12:00 Official bedtime
- Around 1:00ish Fall asleep . . . Here we go again.
So I wrote about myself. I feel darn selfish . . . and proud.
But you know something? That's why I blog.
Technorati Tags: Crown Heights, 770, Yeshivah, Life, Thoughts, Blogging
Oy! The basement looks too familar!
i see the brown shoes are already having an effect.
You just can't trust those brown shoes.
niiice shoes!
why are all basements white?? i feel like im living in an institution....
thank G-d for craigslist!
and the flea market...
comment on your schedule
Fall asleep 1:00 Am
I second that I would say 2:00 or later
Nice shoes
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