Or so this article on Yahoo claims . . .
It's an old story . . . Yiddish has been on pronounced dead for years . . . it has yet to realize it though -because as far as I can tell every third Lithuanian Jew speaks it fluently (with the Cheilam k'muvin) . . .
Let those that yearn for the days of the Yiddishe Teater remember that there's no Yiddish with out the Yid.
9 years ago
do hassids really "shun" the secular world like that article says?
i dont feel it...
It's up to what you call the secular world. If movies, TV, un-tzneius clothes etc. is the secular world, then yes we shun it.
But that is a rather shallow way of looking at things. For in truth, we use the good of the secular world.
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