Just a thought before Shevuos . . .
Shevuos is, in a sense, the ultimate holiday. It brings out the very foundation of Judaism.
We did not become Jews by the Exodus, our Independence day, but rather by Mt. Sinai . . . our whole existence is that is a Torah Nation. When G-d's infinite essence descended on the mountain, we became permeated with Elokus, one with the divine.
Our purpose is to make this world a dirah lo yisbarech, a dwelling place for G-d . . . that even in the crude physicality and corporeality of this world, G-d may be manifest. The Divine and the mundane merge as one.
The Torah is what lets us reach these great heights -or rather, bring them below.
That's why we can not fast on Shevuos, not even for a bad dream -an act otherwise allowed, even on Shabbos- because even the physical body must take part in receiving the Torah.
Even more so, specifically the physical is the proper vessel to receive the Torah . . .
To all Kabalos Hatorah B'simcha u'bepenimius . . . may we merit to receive the Torah with Joy and (through the joy) incorporate it into our essence!
9 years ago
chag sameach, Mottel
Thanks, you too Sushi!
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