I was thinking today . . .
Ideas that connect to my story Chaos Theory (though how they connect to what is written on the above Blog can not be seen . . . at some point, iy"h, I'll get it all written down)
The Theory of Relativity brings out the interplay between energy and matter . . . how they are
two sides to one coin, one force in constant flux between two forms.
All physicality is energy.
In Chassidus it mentions the interplay between Oros and Keilim (G-dly light and the 'vessel' through which it is revealed) How the keili is the condensation, as it where, of the Or . . .
That all physicality is descends from spirituality.
The soul is eternal and merely changes state upon passing . . .
All reality is a symphony of light, of energy, of G-dliness (not that the three are the same thing) in constant flux . . .
Merely my thoughts (read distractions) from before davening today . . .
9 years ago
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