The letters of our thoughts are the ideas present in our mind before they come to realization . . . Thoughts that are, yet not felt . . . The words of the subconscious . . . of the soul . . .


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Now that's a Beard!

Whiskers Go Wild at World Beard, Mustache Games

"For those of you still scratching your chins, a few words on international whisker competitions.

Barstool bets aside, the phenomenon is relatively new. The first World Beard and Moustache Championship was held in 1990 in Höfen-Enz, Germany.

The event was organized by the First Höfener Beard Club, one of about a dozen beard and mustache fraternities in Germany today. The club sponsored a second championship in 1995.

Since then the competition has grown into a biennial event hosted by beard and mustache clubs mostly in Germany, Sweden, and Norway.

The whiskered compete in 17 officially sanctioned categories: 8 styles of mustache, 4 varieties of partial beard/goatee, and 5 appellations of full-beard."

More Pictures


de madrichiem said...

Looks like mine beard

Mottel said...

Dutch Man -your beard might have used to look like that . . .