The letters of our thoughts are the ideas present in our mind before they come to realization . . . Thoughts that are, yet not felt . . . The words of the subconscious . . . of the soul . . .


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weird Sign Wednesday XXIII

I snapped this one two summers ago in S. Petersburg . . . I've always had  a soft spot for poor translations.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

To those visiting from COLlive

It seems from the comments going up on my latest op-ed on COLlive that many of you have either failed to read my post or bothered to understand it.

As such, I'm writing this hasty blog post on my cell to summarize what my op-ed is really about and what it isn't about:

My points:

1. Be aware that facebook voting gives the company you're 'liking' access to your private info . . . If you're cool with that - by all means vote - but be in the know.

2. Be a mentsch when soliciting votes: don't be obnoxious or lazy. Make it personal and I'll gladly vote.

3. Respect the privacy of others by avoiding sloppy emails and the like.

4. Strategize!  Make sure you work together with other shluchim so that your combined voices can best be heard - and be aware that by over-saturating your target audience with too many requests for a plethora of contests - you risk diluting your message and losing your audience when you need them most!

This post is NOT:

-A complaint that you are annoying me . . . Some of the requests I get may be annoying - but I don't need to write an op-ed to let you know that . . .  If you annoy me, I'll tell you personally.

-A complaint against the shluchim who participate in these contests.

-An attempt to discourage others that would otherwise willingly vote.

Please re-read my op-ed and if you have any further questions please feel free to leave a comment below!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre


Friday, July 23, 2010

Picture of the Week: 104

Laura Plantation, a Creole plantation near New Orleans.

Wishing everyone an amazing Shabbos! I have several interesting blog posts in the works that will be published soon!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Roei Sadan Does Central Asia!

For those who have been following this blog for the past few years, know about my friend Roei Sadan and his bike trip around the world.

When we met Rosh Hashanah almost two years ago he had made it from Alaska to Peru. Shortly before Shavuos this year he finished Europe . . . and now he's gone through Turkey and Central Asia!

Note: Between 2:17-2:20 timestamps it's slightly nsfw


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Weird Sign Wednesday XXII

This one is a little hard to read the text on the bottom, so I'll rewrite it here:

"For those who are not prone to using the Internet, this offer is still available for you!"

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Lubavitcher Fashion

While speaking with Jacob Berkman from the Fundermentalist Blog several weeks ago, he mentioned Lubavitcher dress styles -
'What's with pointy shoes you guys all wear?' He said . . .

Inspired by his comment, I give you Lubavitcher styles (be they chassidish or frie) that gotta go (in no particular order) . . .


  • Pointy Shoes: I don't mind a little point in my shoes . . . but buddy, when your shoes can put out an eye with their tips - they're called women's shoes . . . and they gotta go.
  • White iPod Earphones: It's bad enough most Lubavitchers buy an iPod without researching better options . . . but do yourself a favor and ditch those ugly white 'buds. What's wrong with white? They stand out like a sore thumb against dark clothes and beards.
  • Backpacks: To my brothers from Hadar Hatorah, Tiferes and Mayanot - your bright orange college backpack does not fit with your black suit and hat. When's the last time you saw a business exec. wear one?
  • White socks: one word: DIB
  • Sandals: To my Israeli brothers - this isn't kfar Chabad . . . and to my flip-flopped Kingston chillers - why must you walk down the main thoroughfare like you rolled out of bed. 
  • Really really long hair on guys: Listen, Mendy, your Jew-fro looks dorky - cut it.



Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Weird Sign Wednesday XXI

I saw this one the other day and did a double take - a restaurant named Bubby's and it's got Bacon as one of its main dishes . . . and a logo.

Even Treif makes more sense . . .

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Monday, July 12, 2010

In Response to the Open Letter to me on Crown

For all of those asking about the Op-Ed on CrownHeights Info supposedly written in response to mine: I have no plans to respond to it at this time.

This new Op-Ed deals on tangentially with the matters discussed in my article. It needlessly attacks me in what results in little other then bombastic screed with a proclivity towards verbosity during the opening lines. The author seems to have failed to understand both my central thesis and conclusions as to how to best address the situation at hand. While my friendship with him, as of now, remains unshaken, I would recommend that he rethink the meaning of friendship - in my books it stands for something more then using the work of your fellow as a springboard for expressing your own personal agendas.


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Weekly Riddle 23

I know it's early Wednesday morning  - and fret not - there's a weird sign a coming . . . until then - enjoy this riddle.

Looking at me with eyes so wide,
From me, with me, by my 'side.
While I'm here, please take from me,
all that I do give to thee.
What you have is more then I,
My blessing take, and do not sigh.

Who am I and who are you?

5 points for each of the correct answers, 20 points something really original that works well.